Friday, June 5, 2009

Worn Out From Disasters.

holidays have definitely been sucking :\ got that word from marce :D and somehow, everyone seems to be ditching me this weekend. Dee's ditched me for camp and my sisters ditched me for her own camp too. am i that BORING? D:

though im really missing deesters now :\ but ive been playing restaurant city. which is a good distraction :) except for now it wont load. screw.

this has to be the lonliest weekened ever, ever, EVER ._. which is why i plan to watch a movie tomorrow night. in my moms room. which is where the tv is. unfortunately, the tv is located on one side of the room whereas the bed is the other side. id wear my specs to watch, but im too lazy :)

ive spent my day playing restaurant city and reading comics from hilarious, i tell you. one of the very few things that make me smile. and distract me from whatever i dont want to be thinking bout.

note to self : forcing yourself to eat during lunch time is bad. skipping meals is worse.

awesome. o: )

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