Sunday, January 18, 2009


O.o whats the happening,Detective Clara here.... its a sunday and i was out the whole day
abandon kitee(shes gonna kill me) no choice lah force to go.Well i went out with my cousins and my bros to a farm,then my bro and my cous chased a goose and it was like quaackkggg quaaccckkggg
damn kao noisy(if u wanna see the video chasing ask me for it) then after that we went to dig for earth worms for fishingg,MY BRO CAUGHT 12 FISHH LAHHH,my cousin caught 10 and I errr
caught 4 only :( shhhhhhh then we cooked the fish at the restraunt oooooo.

someone kicked my dog
btw riley didnt make it
he jumped over the ice
Im so random....

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